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MeditationRok for Tech-Heads 17 Steps to Get Answers in Meditation and Sort Your Business from the Inside Out【電子書籍】[ Emily Pitt ]

<p>I’m a human who’s been meditating for 17 years, not for relaxation but instead to gain answers and insight on my work and life. For spiritual pursuit yes, but mainly to get <strong>practical answers </strong>and plan my daily tasks. In meditation I receive information on the emotional, intellectual, spiritual and practical dimensions of my life. <strong>Meditation</strong> helps fuel my evolution and <strong>pursuit of my dreams</strong>. I speed dial source, universal forces. I then apply what I see clearly in meditation and take practical action. I tack, and adjust the ropes in my business and life so I stay on course toward my purpose. </p> <p>I get too highly strung in the top storey to use meditation just to ‘relax’. That’s too herbal. Plus the Dalai Lama, Deepak and Eckhardt are all over it. Plus I wouldn’t dare compare my messy head to their presence fuelled heights of existence. Meditation for me serves a different purpose: finding practical tools to apply to business and to generate <strong>renewal</strong> and <strong>clarity</strong>, and clear vision in my own life. If you have a tendency like me to be highly strung in your brain, you are more likely to require intense exercise + yoga to wind down in order to find some form of physical equilibrium resembling ‘relaxation’, then once engaged in that space ? meditation will help you drop deeper into your own <strong>physical </strong>and <strong>spiritual health</strong>. Overthinking and negative thinking are the poisons, meditation the antedote. </p> <p>How to scare your parents: post your traditional parents a copy of Neil Donald Walsh’s Conversations with God just for fun. I did it, without thinking really. I put a very empassioned note attached with it to Mum and Dad about the origins of my opening to connect with god on a more personal level. They didn’t have me sectioned which is handy, but I think they had a good old laugh over a whiskey-gin for mum before they served dinner at precisely 7, and put it down to one of their more bent offspring experiences, without so much as a second thought that connection with source, your own ‘channel’, could actually be entirely possible and real. Meditation Rok is about that path I carved for myself. Me ?rok. God- source energy. My very own means to connect with source, spirit, god. </p> <p>The oxygenating lifeblood of meditation has demonstrated its capacity to improve heart health by reducing blood pressure + heart rate, boost the production of DHEA and stimulate the production of killer cells to fight off disease, all while parked on your ass breathing deeply - what a win. </p> <p>All sounds a no brainer till you try and sit down and actually do it, meditate that is. It’s not a state that harmonises with tech driven, busy, complex, screen struck overstimulated lives. But you can with a bit of persistence and self-discipline, work out a way to plug into the regenerating life juice that meditation holds a continuous stream of.</p> <p>This simple book offers 17 tips on how to apply meditation to direct your business, inner and outer life. I follow no mantra or system of ‘mindful’ pursuit. Except to say that I believe meditation is critical for me in maintaining a healthy functioning state of mind. I exist between extremes: a mind that sans meditation runs on overdrive like a manic machine eating woolly mammoth that runs unhinged, and with meditation is woven into a wellspring of positive pure energy, pouring light through my soul and bringing my connection to source into my body in a very tangible way. </p> <p>My approach to meditation is not rocket science or a profound revelation in and of itself (several thousand year old yoga sutras being the origin of meditation), but it is my own personal simple, applied and effective method to connect to other dimensions ? a bigger energy field we are all connected, so that we can get answers ourselves which can guide us every day for projects big and small. And by staying with the rhythm and practice of it, I do find revelations that are pivotal to my wellbeing. </p> <p>This book is to help you delve within to steer your life to great adventure, pursuit and fulfilment of your purpose in your life and business. This book offers 17 ideas on how. I hope your own why emerges out of your own meditation practice ? not just once ? but each day to steer you on course to fulfilment of your dreams. I believe anything is possible. You don’t need to be the Dalai Lama to have your own batphone to source, we are all entrusted that soul potential, we are all a manifestation of source. This book offers ideas to guide your business + life from within ? my hope is that you connect with your own potential and galaxy positioning system through your own meditation practice. The following steps offer a kit of parts for developing and sustaining your own meditation practice, one step and one day at a time:</p> <p>Your goal is to connect yourself with the universe, omnipresent beings, higher self, god, nature ? how you want to engage your view of it is up to you. I have a very strong faith in ‘spirit’, or universal source/knowledge which I believe we are all connected to, at all times. My sense of that existence is very real. But I don’t believe you must be a believer in order to have the capacity to connect. A belief in nature and science is enough. In meditation, I see visual images like a dream ? very clearly. I am in fact shown the way/or the medicine or what I need to engage in in my own life to evolve and move my life forward in a positive way, no matter what the issue I face. I believe there are spiritual beings that guide us ? ancestors, saints, angels, women ? souls we are connected to in the same tribe so to speak.</p> <p>To start out, what is essential is to know in your heart that a connection to something greater than just your own body and mind is possible. To get very real and practical answers to apply to your own life. And that is your soul & awareness connecting to something greater beyond.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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